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Is this like Secret Santa?
Yes, exactly! Information about the donors are never given out to students. They are not aware of who has given them their gifts. Students are RANDOMLY assigned to a donor.
Will I always get a picture of the student?
Unfortunately, no. The privacy, safety, and comfort of my students is my top priority and while the majority of students are fine with being photographed, I will never force them to do so. If a student chooses not to be photographed, I will respect their choice. I also do not photograph any students in Preschool/TK/Kindergarten as the program is done differently for them. Younger students are not informed they will be receiving gifts. All communication for these students is done through the parent/guardian in order to allow the parent to keep holiday magic alive for their kiddos a little bit longer!
Do I have to order the presents online? Can I go shopping myself?
This answer can vary. The majority of donors order the gifts online and have them sent directly to me and then I wrap them, however some donors have chosen to do the shopping/wrapping themselves. I typically reserve this option for people who either live near myself or the school (Sacramento area) because it's much more difficult to have the items shipped that way. There have also been concerns as the program has grown of making sure the gifts are screened before being given to the students so that is a factor as well. This option is determined on a case by case basis.
Do I have to get everything they asked for?
Nope! Donors are able to choose which gifts and how many they get for their assigned student. You can choose to get only one gift or get them everything they asked for! It's totally up to you!
Can I get my assigned student something else they didn't ask for?
YES! Many donors choose to get additional gifts outside of the list of gifts requested. As long as the gifts are age-appropriate, you can get whatever you'd like!
My assigned student asked for something huge (e.g. bike, Xbox, phone, etc.), what do I do?
While I give the students guidance before they write their letter and I remind them to "be reasonable", they are still children and they can get carried away. To be respectful to them, I do not edit or require them to make changes to their letters once they're written and they are allowed to write whatever they'd like. That being said, you are under no circumstances required to get the students gifts that are outside of your budget or comfort level. If you ARE comfortable getting the item, you are of course free to do so. You can always get them their alternate gift or text/email me for additional ideas too! 
Am I able to meet the students?
Short answer is no. If you are interested in volunteering at the school, I can direct you to the information you need in order to do so. But you are unable to meet the students simply by participating in the holiday gift program. While your participation and contribution are immensely appreciated, the privacy, safety, and comfort of the students is my TOP priority. 

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